Tuesday, April 14, 2015


1.     What is surrealism?
Surrealists develop their ideas from the strange things that happen in dreams. They juxtapose unrelated objects, placing them side-by-side.
2.     What motif did Magritte use in many of his works? Why was this significant?

The man wearing the bowler hat, it is significant because many people believe Magritte was representing himself when he used this motif.

3.     In his work Golconda, why is it important that Magritte varied the image of the man in the bowler hat?  How does it add depth to the work?
Magritte used a lot of repetition in the piece, however when looked at more closely there are small variations between each business man. These subtle differences encourage viewers to look more closely and makes the painting more interesting.

4.     Why did surreal artists choose to create strange worlds with their art?
Surreal artists often are inspired by dreams and the unconscious. Many of these strange worlds are based off their dreams.

5.     Explain how the techniques of juxtaposition, altered scale, and language help Magritte explore Surrealism. 
They found that juxtaposing ordinary but unrelated objects could be as disorientating and powerful as waking up from a strange dream. Altered scale and language are also ways that artists portrayed the fact that dreams can not always be explained.

6.     What would be a few reasons why Magritte would cover the faces of his subjects?
When he was 12 years old, his mother drowned in a river and when she was pulled out her face was covered with her gown.

7.     Why did Magritte strive for realism & precision in his paintings?
Magritte believed realism allows viewers to focus on the subject of a work instead of the techniques used to paint it.
8.     Google more of Magritte’s work and include 2 images that interest you.

o   Explain the technique(s) used to enhance the work

Negative space creates mystery in a piece. Having a focal point makes a certain object stand out. Variation in a photo or painting can make it more interesting and dynamic.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Dada final

This project was very different to what I am used to. We did not plan out of what we were doing and we made our final pieces entirely by chance. Although I thought creating the pieces this way was fun, I don't think I would prefer it to the projects we've done in the past. I think some of my pieces turned out good, but I wish some had turned out differently. I really like the piece of Rachel because I think it looks interesting and different. This piece is also the one that I thought the least about. I did everything completely randomly, and I think its one of the best photos. Overall, I enjoyed this project but I don't think it's a style of photography that I want to further in.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Outward vs. Inward

-good spirited


Examples of poses: