Friday, February 20, 2015

Social Issue Advertisement

I chose to advertise the social issue of body image. I feel that the media portrays unrealistic body standards for young girls to achieve. With technology advances, much younger girls see these magazines and commercials and are more effected by these standards than ever before. I chose this topic because I know many girls that struggle with their image and compare themselves to women in the media. I hope that from my ads, a reader would realize how much media standards effect girls and how body image is increasingly effecting girls at younger ages. My target audience would be parents and people in the media. My ad shows parents how much their children are effected by what they see in the media and shows that body image issues stem from what their children see everyday. My slogan or tagline was "Girls don't just simply decide to hate their bodies, we teach them to." 

I like the end result of my advertisements and I think that the ads portray the issue well. I think the ads relate to each other and are consistent with the message. Some advice  I would give to someone else doing this assignment would be to make the ads simple but also interesting and creative. The most challenging part of the project for me was the billboard. This is because I didn't have a room to shoot in and I had to create the walls and shadows. The background wall was also very tedious and look a long time to photoshop. I think I did well with taking two different photos and making them portray the same message.

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