Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Questions About Art

1.     What is a work of art?  Describe qualities found in artworks.

A work of art is  a creative product. Some qualities found in artwork are emotion, expression, craftsmanship, aesthetic, and creativity. 

2.     What should an artwork provide to both the maker and the viewer?

Artwork should provide a viewer with some type of emotion or reaction that comes from the artwork and the artist with a way to express something. 

3.     Why do people make art?

People make art for many reasons. Some of them may be; to seek personal enjoyment, to express thoughts and feelings, to communicate, to provide an emotional reaction, or to tell a story.

4.     Where does one encounter art?

Art can be found almost anywhere. Not only is art in museums and galleries, but it is also seen in a persons everyday life. Advertisements and media are new forms of art that are seen by people almost every minute of their days. Some people would even argue that tools, technology, and generally anything that someone had to create can be considered as art. This would make it so that everywhere a person goes they are encountering some form of art.

5.     What is the role of the artist?

The role of the artist is to create something that displays their idea, invokes a reaction, feeling, or use to a viewer.

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