Friday, October 10, 2014

Portrait Article

Seniors do not want boring typical photos anymore. They want creative, interesting photos that portray who they are and what they like. When working with teenagers, getting to know them is very important. As a photographer, bringing props or different clothing can really help to portray what is most important to the client. It is also important to listen to the clients ideas and look for trends in social media to visually enhance the photos. Girls will want to look fashionable but make sure they bring an outfit that will not go out of date in the next 10 years. It is also important to please the parents of the senior so the photographer should also take a few traditional pictures. Some photographers say that studio work will become more prevalent in the future.

Portrait Examples

Jen Baltgalvis
I like the location of the portrait with the subject surrounded in sunflowers.

Jen Baltgalvis
I like the location of a field in the picture. I think it is a creative way to portray the sport she plays -pole vaulting. I also really like the back lighting in the photo.

CatisaK Photography
I like the angle the photo was taken in because it makes it interesting to look at. I also like the light in the photo because it makes everything look glowy.

Klose Photography
I like this portrait because she isn't smiling at the camera. I like the idea of using a hat as a prop as well. 
Elaine Gates
 I like how the photo is in black and white. It focuses on the subject and the background is less important. 

Elaine Gates
I like the pose and location in this photo. 
Elaine Gates

Elaine Gates
I like the idea of putting your subject in a field or by flowers. I think it gives a really pretty end result.

Teal Photography
I like the red background in this photo. I also like the use of balloons as a prop.

Elaine Gates
 The back lighting in this photo makes the background and the subject seem to glow.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Elaine Gates Recap

I really enjoyed having Elaine come to class yesterday. I thought she was very informative and it was interesting to see how she makes a living with photography. She gave a lot of information on how to make portrait photos look nice and how to make your subject look their best. She talked about taking photos from a flattering angle and to move around your subject to find the angle they look best at. Another thing I found beneficial was her information on lighting and how to work with the lighting you have on any given day. She also talked about finding a shaded area to take photos in or having backlight in your photo. She said to fix things while you're taking the photo rather than fixing them later in photoshop. Overall, I think Elaine's presentation was very beneficial and I learned a lot from her.