Friday, October 10, 2014

Portrait Examples

Jen Baltgalvis
I like the location of the portrait with the subject surrounded in sunflowers.

Jen Baltgalvis
I like the location of a field in the picture. I think it is a creative way to portray the sport she plays -pole vaulting. I also really like the back lighting in the photo.

CatisaK Photography
I like the angle the photo was taken in because it makes it interesting to look at. I also like the light in the photo because it makes everything look glowy.

Klose Photography
I like this portrait because she isn't smiling at the camera. I like the idea of using a hat as a prop as well. 
Elaine Gates
 I like how the photo is in black and white. It focuses on the subject and the background is less important. 

Elaine Gates
I like the pose and location in this photo. 
Elaine Gates

Elaine Gates
I like the idea of putting your subject in a field or by flowers. I think it gives a really pretty end result.

Teal Photography
I like the red background in this photo. I also like the use of balloons as a prop.

Elaine Gates
 The back lighting in this photo makes the background and the subject seem to glow.

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