Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I took pictures of my best friend, Aditi. She is very happy and always laughing so a lot of my pictures showcase her smiling. The serious black and white photo was meant to represent her dance. She dances as part of her Indian culture and is very serious about it. I tried to showcase this with her facial expression and outfit. She also brought peacock feathers with her because she is obsessed with peacocks. The rest of the photos generally show her happy and cheerful personality. I also wanted most of the pictures to be simplistic without too much editing.
I really enjoyed this assignment because I really like photographing people. I think my end results turned out good and I'm happy with my final project. Aditi was also really happy with the photos that I took. 
Some tips I would give for this assignment would be to find different locations, outfits, and poses to get a variety of pictures. 
I think the most challenging part about the assignment was working with the photos in photoshop because we were using actions which I wasn't familiar with. I think I did well with getting a variety of photos from one shoot. 

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