Monday, November 17, 2014

Photojournalism Project Proposal

For the photojournalism project, I plan to take pictures and talk to people about CV mini-Thon and the work that goes into it throughout the year. I already have some pictures of the Harlem Wizards game which supported Thon and I think I'm going to work around them. I want to talk to some of the people who worked during the game and are involved in Thon. I also want to get pictures of the Thon room or "behind the scenes" pictures. I might use pictures from other Thon events that go on throughout the year as well. 
I'm on the communication's committee for Thon and I love participating in the club and being apart of the cause. The money Thon raises can do incredible things and it's exciting to be a part of it which is why I decided to do my project on this idea. 

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