Tuesday, September 30, 2014


ISO 200
I took this photo at my uncles house. He lives along the Susquehanna river so the photo was taken from his backyard . This place means something to me because my I used to play with my cousin here all the time when we were younger.

 Curved Lines
ISO 200

This photo was taken at my grandparents house. This location has meaning to me because it symbolizes friends and family.  In the summer, I swim in the pool with my cousins and friends here. 
ISO 400

I took this picture at my uncles house in Marysville, PA. My Dad's side of the family all live in Marysville so the location has a lot of meaning to me. Also, my Dad collects photos of the Rockville bridge which is the bridge in the photo. 

ISO 1600

This photo was taken at one of my diving practices. Diving is a big part of my life so for me, this photo symbolizes all the friends and teammates I have because of it.

ISO 400

This photo was taken in my neighborhood from. I drive on this road and by these trees everyday but in this photo, I can see them from a different point of view. The location is important to me because it was taken at my neighbor's house who was my best friend when we were younger.

ISO 200

This photo is of my grandparent's house from their backyard. This location means a lot to me because I have so many memories here with my family. I love being here and being with my grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles.

I think HDR photography is a very interesting and fun way to edit photos. They produce a different painting-like look. Although I wouldn't want all of my photos to look like this, I think it's an effect that I would continue to use in the future.

I think my images tell a story about what is important in my life and the things I like to do. Through this project, I had to connect with the locations I was photographing. This made me look at places differently so that I could portray my feelings on the location through my photo. This is something I'll try to do with my photography after this.

When I took my photos, I tried to take most of them at sunset. This affected the sky in some of my photos by making them look pretty and colorful. When I took the diving board photo, the lighting was more of a disadvantage as the room was very dark.

1 comment:

  1. Which picture goes with...
    Symmetrical balance- The house

    Repetition / pattern- The trees

    Different point of view / perspective- The diving board

    Asymmetrical balance- The water

    Framing- The water with the bridge

    Lines (leading, diagonal, horizontal, vertical)- The pool slide

    Which photo has the best composition? Why?
    I think that the repetition one with the trees as the best composition. The repetition and how the color of the trees makes the photograph appealing to the eye

    Which photo would you hang on your wall? Why?
    I would hang the framing one on my wall because I love the way the clouds reflect off the water and I love the way the sky looks. The pictures is just beautiful overall.

    Which photo could use a little work? What needs done? (composition/lighting/cropping/camera angle/camera technique)
    I think the different view one needs a little more work try to work with different HDR filters and maybe crop the picture a little more.

    When looking at the entire set of images what do they say about the photographer?
    I can tell that she enjoys taking photos of the sky because of the two pictures of the sunset

    Can you determine anything about the person by looking at their photos? Do they tell a story or are they just a collection of images?
    With all these pictures I can say that Rachael enjoys swimming because of the two pictures of a pool setting one was a diving board and the other of a pool and water slide.
